Wednesday 11 November 2015

Traditional Dance Karo North Sumatra

5 North Sumatra Traditional Dance Karo - Karo tribe is the tribe who inhabited the Highlands Karo, North Sumatra Province. Karo tribe is the largest tribes in North Sumatra, the name of karo even used as one of the names that Tanah Karo district. Karo tribe has its own language, the language Karo. In matters of art of dance, the tribal community karo has a variety of traditional dance is quite well known in North Sumatra.

Dance or in Karo language is called Landek, is one of the cultural values that need to be preserved as one of the wealth of cultural heritage. In order to introduce the traditional dances of Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, we summarize the following five Folk Dance Karo North Sumatra:

1.Tari Piso Surit

Piso Surit dance is one of the traditional dances of community Batak Karo in North Sumatra. This dance includes a welcome dance which is usually displayed in groups by male and female dancers. Piso Surit dance is one of the traditional dances are well known in North Sumatra, particularly in Karo region as a region of origin. This dance is often featured in various events such as the great guest reception, custom events, and cultural events.
Tari Piso Surit dari Sumatra Utara
Tari Piso Surit dari Sumatra Utara
Not a lot of resources that explain about the origin and history of this Surit Piso dance, so it still can not be known with certainty. But from some sources that exist, Piso Surit dance is a dance that grow and develop in society Batak Karo in North Sumatra. The name of this dance is taken from the word "peso surit" that in Karo Batak society is a kind of bird that loves to sing.

As described previously, Piso Surit dance is a kind of welcome dance or dance reception. So this dance functioned as a dance to welcome guests or the guest of honor who came there. When viewed from the movement, dance Surit Piso describes someone who is waiting for her lover. The wait is depicted as a bird piso surit which reads as if calling.

Piso Surit dance is usually displayed as a group of dancers male and female dancers. But there are also only featuring female dancers only. For a number of dancers usually consists of five pairs of dancers or more, depending on the respective groups and events will be hosted. In the show, the dancers using traditional clothing and dancing to the strains of music accompanied by tradisioal.

Movement in Dance Surit Piso is very typical. His movements tend to be graceful and many parts as is done repeatedly, though in fact different. The movement of which is the movement of the foot toes, rotating movement, melentikan fingers up and down movement, and other movements. When considered good any movement in the dance would have a special meaning in it.

In the show, Dancing Piso Surit usually accompanied by the strains of traditional music such as gongs, harps and typical gedang Karo. While the rhythm dimaikan the song "piso surit" which became his trademark. Piso surit tune tend to have a slow tempo, so it is appropriate to run movement in the dance.

Costumes used for the dancers in this dance performance Piso Surit Karo usually is customary fashion, complete with "uis" or unique fabric Karo. For male dancers usually wearing long shirts and trousers. As well as the typical Karo uis or cloth used as gonje (sarong), crown, shawl (uis nipes) and benting (belts). While the female dancers usually wear kebaya and various uis charged as abit (long cloth below), hoods (headgear) and scarves.

In its development, Dancing Piso Surit still continue to be preserved and developed until now. Various creations and variations are often done as a development of this Surit Piso Tari to look attractive, but does not eliminate the hallmark and authenticity. Piso Surit dance is also still frequently featured in a variety of traditional events such as the great welcoming guests, weddings and other traditional events. Additionally, Dancing Surit Piso These are often displayed in a variety of cultural events such as art shows, cultural festivals and tourism promotion.

2. Gundala-Gundala

Gundala-Gundala is a traditional attraction in Karo Regency Society by using the "mask" of wood. Gundala-Gundala in the past performed in the festival "wari ndilo udan" (bring rain) in the long dry season (in some villages are still carried out until now). At first this attraction displayed in the Village Seberaya tells legends / fairy tale Gurda the auger. In the past in the Karo highlands communities living in harmony and peace led by a king called "Sibayak".

The king has only one offspring is a girl. Son of the king is treated as a lady who is very spoiled princess king with a number of maids who are always ready to serve. As adults, the princess married a young man of valor, a eunuch who was serving as captain of the guard. After marriage, the royal guard was given a new role as Commander of the Kingdom.

One day the king invited the commander to hunt in the dense forest. Amid the jungle, the group met with a giant bird, a bird that is very powerful incarnation of a hermit named Gurda Augers mandraguna magic. Bird Gurda auger unlike other animals, he is able to speak like a human being. At the time of the King and his army delegation met with these birds, bird Gurda Augers greet greeting the king as he showed his respect, making the King and Commander-in-law of the Kingdom of sympathetic and invited him home to live in the Palace of the King accompanied the princess.

Day-to-day life of the princess who accompanied Gurda auger increases cheerful and happy, because at the time commander of the kingdom of her duties out of the area, Gurda Augers able to entertain the princess and be able to provide perfect protection, because birds incarnation ascetic magic is not only resilient in the world martial arts, but also a powerful ward off all kinds of poison, spells, hexes, including black magic.

The other side of this giant bird magic is a taboo that has disumpahkannya long ago that backs beak-shaped hood that is a symbol of honor should not be held or touched by anyone.

One time, while the princess fun joking with this auger Gurda, accidentally princess holding of Gurda auger half right on the hood of a bird's beak, cash only giant bird is furious and does not show a friendly attitude and cranky.

Knowing this situation, the commander of the king her husband tried to persuade Gurda auger by "stroking" the bird's beak, and again half of the hood so the honor of the bird kerkena caress commander. Ignorance Commander of the king on the character and nature of Gurda Augers make repeated occurrence of the anger, because half of Gurda auger hood back stroked, but that's considered a bird as a form of harassment that is very painful.

Gurda auger became angry, with red eyes and hairs standing on end, he did strike and blow towards the commander, the commander is no less swiftly, as a real man brave and powerful mandraguna he did not want to be embarrassed by a bird. The longer the second fight of this powerful champion grew fierce moves using high levels, even using the punch power over long distances. The fight is fierce persisted for several days, many buffalo killed by a blow distance misdirected and trees uprooted as a result of the second battle the winner of this and yet there are those who show signs of willing to surrender, but in some sessions, it appears that the Commander somewhat overwhelmed strike a blow that accompanied kebasan wing resulted in a tornado.

Seeing that this fight has been causing anxiety for the whole country, the king ordered the guards to help commanders to distribute power in remotely without the knowledge of the commander, consequently Gurda auger could not hold a collection of power in the hit, and at the same time, the commander landed a a hard blow to the lower jaw of the bird with the power that can break the jawbone of a giant bird, the result of the Gurda-auger slammed into the ground hit by deadly section of the base of the jaw.

Of the termination of this battle then the princess could explain to him the commander empire that actually Gurda-auger had told him about the hood beak-like beak Hornbills this, that bird Gurda Augers this honor and power centers mystical in hood beak and should not be touched by anyone also either intentionally or unintentionally. If the hood is part toyed with, then this bird definitely going berserk because it is influenced by its mystical power at half the hood. Then realized that the battle and the death of a giant bird is not supposed to happen if only the commander always knew about the hood part.

What about to say, like the proverbial "Rice Porridge Became" the Gurda Augers cheerful and resilient mighty have fallen in the hands of the Commander. Gurda death auger honored as the death of a hero and the entire palace in mourning, the people mourn even the "Today" suddenly clouded and tears in her a sign of mourning, deraspun rain swept across the country.

3. Dance Baka

Baka Dance is a traditional dance Karo tribe community. This dance depicts a psychic / smart people who are healing the sick. It is associated with the custom of the karo in ancient times, people in the Karo highlands still rely psychic or paranormal. Almost all the existing problems submitted to a psychic or paranormal. Particularly of illness, people would take to the smart people to be healed. In the process of healing psychic or paranormal using a basket and a special bowl to place medicinal herbs.

4. Stick Dance

Traditional Dance from Tanah Karo which one describes the beliefs of their spirits would Karo, Karo people still believe in the magical powers and spirits that will bring negative things in human life. In some cultural activities, people who have occult are still critical to connect with spirits. Stick dance illustrates how humans have occult away the evil spirits that go to somewhere in the countryside. The Humans using a special stick called stick and stick panaluan angels.

5. Dance Ndikkar

Ndikkar dance more commonly known as a martial dance or martial arts-style halibut Tanah Karo, North Sumatra. Ndikkar a defense of traditional Karo or Pencak Silat that grows and develops together with the cultural community Karo. Ndikkar have characteristics: a movement so slow and gentle, but at certain moments the dance moves will look hard and fast. Particularly the Karo people, they learn Pencak Silat only for their own self-defense. At this time Ndikkar more serves as a means of public entertainment.

Hopefully this article can be useful, if there is to be added in order to be more complete, please write in the comment column.

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